
发布日期:2018-06-02 12:19 本文摘要:商务英语:BEC课堂笔记之Unit6(1) Assessing environmental impact 环境影响评估 词汇准备 guideline 方针 recycle 再使用 recycled paper 再生纸 energy consumption 能源消耗 energy-efficient 节能的 organization car sharing 汽车共用组合 environmenta

  商务英语:BEC课堂笔记之Unit6(1) Assessing environmental impact 环境影响评估


  guideline 方针

  recycle 再使用

  recycled paper 再生纸

  energy consumption 能源消耗

  energy-efficient 节能的

  organization car sharing 汽车共用组合

  environmental performance 环境绩效,环境表现

  press officer 新闻官员

  address 处理,对付

  chemical industry 化工工业

  by-product 副产品

  environmental issues 环境问题

  environmental impact 环境影响

  environmental programme 环保项目

  fix 补救,纠正

  non-hazardous 无害的

  product stewardship programme 产品跟踪管理计划

  product life cycle 产品寿命周期

  commit 拨出,调配……供使用

  halve 减半

  to reach a target 达到目标

  to fulfill an obligation 承担义务

  demanding 苛刻的

  shareholder 股东

  commitment 许诺



  1.Work in pairs, find out the following information about your partner’s company. Add up the total score.看以下有关你搭档的公司情况调查问卷。把问卷的总分加出来。

  Western College of Higher Education

   Environmental questionnaire

   As part of our research into environmental practices in local offices, we kindly ask employers to complete this questionnaire, which will be collected on today.

   Pleas tick (√) the boxes if the following statements are true of general office practice at your company.

   Waste management

   ◆ We have formal waste management guidelines +3

   ◆We separate all waste for collection and recycling. +2

   ◆We use recycled paper and envelopes. +3

   ◆We re-use paper in the office +1

   Energy consumption

   ◆We have a formal energy consumption policy. +3

   ◆We use energy-efficient computer hardware +2

   ◆We use low-energy lighting. +2

   ◆The office uses no energy outside working hours. +1


   ◆We provide transport for our employees. +3

   ◆Wesubsidise employee’s use of public transport. +2

   ◆We encourage the organisation of car sharing. +1


   Thank you for your co-operation


  1. We have formal waste management guidelines 我们有正式的垃圾管理政策

  2. We separate all waste for collection and recycling. 我们对垃圾进行分类,以便收集和再生

  3. energy consumption policy 能源消耗政策

  4.energy-efficient computer hardware 节能型的电脑硬件


  6.Think of three things your company do to reduce its impact on the environment. 说出公司可以做到的减少对环境影响的三个措施


  readjust energy consumption policy 调整能源消费政策

  formulate waste management guidelines 制定垃圾管理政策

  collect and separate the waste 对垃圾进行收集和分类

  develop environment friendly packing 开发环保型包装

  use fewer plastic bags 少用塑料袋

  to green the environment with plants 通过种树裁花绿化环境

  water saving system 节水系统

  reduce energy consumption 减少能源消耗

  Environmental performance 环境绩效



   Summarise the four points of the Challenge 2000 project. Which would make the most difference to the environment? Put them in order?


  By 2000 ICI aims to:

   ①meet all environmental regulations ( in countries where ICI operates and will operate)

   ②reduce energy consumption (by 10% of 1995 figure)

   ③halve its environmental impact (by reducing the most dangerous types of waste)

   ④ensure all its business have Product Stewardship Programmes ( to improve information about chemicals used by the company)

   How companies balance the interests of customers and shareholders with a commitment to the environment?


  show concern for the environment 关心环境

  keep to environmental legislation 遵守环保立法

  implement the most effective and cost-effective ways of protecting the environment 实施最有效,成本效益最高的环保措施

  make efforts to make the world a better place 努力使世界更加美好

  balance economic, environmental and ethical interests 兼顾经济利益和环境,伦理利益

  resolve the confrontation between economic and environmental interests 解决经济利益和环境利益之间的冲突

  sustainable development 可持续发展

  strike a balance取得平衡

  do not invest in projects that jeopardize the Earth 不投资危害地球的项目



  Today we’re going to look at … 今天我们要谈

  I’d like to begin with …我想以…开始

  Then we’ll go on to look at…然后再谈

  And finally, we’ll turn to…最后,我们要谈…


  if you’d like to look at the screen, you’ll see… 请大家看屏幕,可以看见…

  as you can see …大家可以看到


  Moving on to …接着看…

  So, now I’d like to turn to …现在,再看…

  Environmental performance 环境绩效