
发布日期:2018-06-02 18:08 本文摘要:Know your rights 了解你的权利 词汇准备 automatic right 当然的权利 work extra time 加班 smoking policy 有关吸烟的政策 staff complaints 员工投诉 bulletin 公告 plaintiff 原告 tribunal 法庭 industrial tribunal 劳资仲裁庭 rule 裁定,裁决 tribun

   Know your rights 了解你的权利


  automatic right 当然的权利

  work extra time 加班

  smoking policy 有关吸烟的政策

  staff complaints 员工投诉

  bulletin 公告

  plaintiff 原告

  tribunal 法庭

  industrial tribunal 劳资仲裁庭

  rule 裁定,裁决

  tribunal rules 法庭裁决

  cloudy 忧郁的

  legal action 法律诉讼

  law firm 法律事务所

  employment law 劳工法

  employment appeal tribunal 劳工诉讼法庭

  fellow colleagues 同事

  a series of 一系列

  solve the problem 解决问题

  to draw up/formulate a policy 起草一份政策规定

  contractual obligation 合同义务

  smoking bans 禁烟令

  grievance 牢骚,商务英语:BEC课堂笔记之Unit7(2)不满


  to be faced with 面对

  absent from work 缺勤

  priorities 以重要性为顺序安排工作

  sack 解雇

  poor time keeping 时间管理能力差

  sexualharassment 性骚扰

  front page of a newspaper 报纸头版

  curriculumvitae 个人简历

  a packet of photocopier paper 一包复印纸


  Speaking: discuss the following questions about smoking in the workplace. 就下列关于在工作场所吸烟的问题进行讨论。

  Should employees have an automatic right to smoke at work?

   Should employers be allowed to ask smokers who take frequent smoking breaks to work extra hours?

   How can employers balance the interests of smokers and non-smokers?

   What should employers do if they cannot meet the needs of both smokers and non-smokers?






  make regulation for smoking in the workplace 制定关于在工作场所吸烟的规定

  non-smokers have to do passive smoking 不吸烟者只得被动吸烟

  strictly follow the rules 严格遵守各项规则

  to abuse a system 滥用制度

  a draw up/formulate a policy 起草一份政策规定

  to observe rules and regulations 遵守规章制度

  deal with the employer’s complaints/grievances 处理员工的申诉

  to consult staff on this issue 在这一问题上听取员工的意见


  Speaking: do you think the decision of the EAT was fair? Why/why not? 你认为劳工诉讼法庭的判决合理吗?为什么?


  respect the employee’s basic right at work 尊重员工在工作中的基本权利

  protect the employee’s working time rights 保护员工在工作中的权利

  prevent employers from denying staff their legal rights 防止雇主拒绝员工的合法权利

  if employers break the law, cannot allow them to get away with it 如果雇主违法,不允许他们逃避惩罚

  the employer is not acting within the law 雇主不按法律行事

  the employer has breached its contractual obligations 雇主违反了合同义务

  make other companies to think carefully about their own working environment促使其他公司谨慎考虑他们的工作环境。


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