
发布日期:2018-06-03 08:25 本文摘要:Unit One: Company Operation and Management 1.1 Teamwork 相关单词掌握: Team-based 以团队为基础的 Collectivecohesion集体凝聚力 Teammate 队友 Organizational performance企业绩效 Group decision-making 集体决策 Creativeinnovation创新发明/创新精

   Unit One: Company Operation and Management
1.1 Teamwork 相关单词掌握: Team-based 以团队为基础的 Collective cohesion 集体凝聚力 Teammate 队友 Organizational performance企业绩效 Group decision-making 集体决策 Creative innovation 创新发明/创新精神 Mutual trust 相互信任 Horizontal organization structure 横向企业结构 Full co-operation  通力合作 Nurture team dynamics 培养团队活力 Pre-building 团队建设 Promote team spirit 提倡团队精神 Bring out the potentials 充分发挥潜能 Drive team success 驱使团队成功 Mini-presentation: What’s important when…? Evaluating the success of teamwork 衡量团队成功与否需要考虑哪些要点? 1.Mutual trust 2.Full co-operation 3.Pre-building

  Full co-operation among team members has a direct impact the organizational performance. When the culture of team cooperation is built up in the team members, they would render collective efforts to achieve the common objectivesand ensure a higher level of quality and workmanship.员工之间的通力合作对企业绩效有着直接影响。当团队协作理念建立后,他们将会共同努力达到共同的目标。并确保高水平的质量及工艺。

  Mutual trust is the first secret of successful teamwork. In the teamwork, the staff function better and cope with stress more easily when they are in a trusting relationship. They will tend to share their real thoughts and communicate with each other effectively. This helps to bring out the potentials and the reliable collective cohesion among employee.一个成功团队的首要秘诀是相互信任。在团队中,员工在被信任的状态下能更好地发挥作用,更容易化解压力。他们会分享自己的真实想法,同时增加了彼此间的有效沟通。这些都有助于充分发挥员工的潜能以及增强其可靠的集体凝聚力。

  Pre-building is a critical  component to drive team success. Many view team-based, horizontal organization structures as the best design for involving all employees in creating business success. Especially nurturing team dynamics can stimulate employee to create the innovative product or idea.团队建设是驱使团队成功的一个关键要素。许多人认为,让全体员工参与、为企业成功共同努力的最好策略是采取以团队为基础的横向企业结构。特别是培养团队活力,可以激发员工创造创新产品及创意。

  On top of that, timely communication and decision making will also help to improve work efficiency.不仅如此,及时沟通和理性决策会助你事半功倍。

   Discussion: Teamwork Your company is offering a brief training programme on team building for line managers. You have been asked to help plan the programme. Discuss the situation together, and decide: 你们公司正在考虑为部门经理提供关于团队建设的短期培训课程。请你们协助策划这一课程。讨论并决定: 1. what issues should the programme focus on该培训课程应集中在哪些问题上 2.what kind of activities should be included应包含哪些活动

  (1) In my opinion, we should , first of all, focus on issues like how to form an effective team and how to improve communication within the team. These are the most important things we need to consider when holding a training programme.首先,我认为我们应该想怎么样去构建一个有效率的团队和增进团队间的交流。这些在我们组织培训课程中都是要考虑到的。

  (2)So we can include in our programme, the activities that help to promote team spirit, activities that help develop employeemotivation and improve communication.因此我们的课程包括一些可以提升团队精神、有助于提高员工积极性、增进交流的活动。

   (3)We can organize outdoor adventures like rafting and rock climbing. These events serve to increase personal awareness of abilities and complementary skills in your teammates.
