
发布日期:2018-06-30 19:24 本文摘要:When Melania Trump met with detained children at the Texas border on Thursday, she struck a compassionate tone, asking staff at the facility: How I can help these children to reunite with their families as quickly as possible?周四,梅兰妮

  When Melania Trump met with detained children at the Texas border on Thursday, she struck a compassionate tone, asking staff at the facility: “How I can help … these children to reunite with their families as quickly as possible?周四,梅兰妮·川普看望了在德克萨斯州边境被迫和父母分离的移民儿童,她用同情的口吻问里面的工作人员:“怎样可以尽快让这些孩子和父母尽快团聚?”

  Melania Trump visits child detention center as fate of families remains unclear.梅兰妮川普拜访了这个儿童扣留中心,因为这里的家庭前途未卜。

  Earlier in the day, though, the first ladys attire sent a different message. As she boarded a plane to Texas, she appeared to be wearing a Zara jacket with the astonishing caption: “I really dont care. Do U?”不过在今天的早些时候,第一夫人的着装却传递出不同的信息。在登上去德州的飞机的时候,她穿了一件Zara的长款夹克,上面居然印着:“我真的一点都不在乎,你呢?”

  Photos taken as she boarded the plane at Andrews airbase didnt capture the jackets full text, but it seems to be the same as the one that costs $39 and is available from the Zara website. 照片是在梅兰妮在安德鲁空军基地登机的时候拍到的,衣服上的字虽然没有拍全,但是很显然和现正在和Zara官网上的价值39美元的外套一模一样。

  According to a pool report, Trumps communications director, Stephanie Grisham, told a reporter via email: “Its a jacket. There was no hidden message. After todays important visit to Texas, I hope the media isnt going to choose to focus on her wardrobe.”川普通讯主任Stephanie Grisham通过邮件告诉记者,“这就是件夹克,没有什么隐含信息。在今天重要访问之后,我希望媒体不要太关注梅兰妮的穿着。”

  However, a tweet from President Trump later suggested that there was meaning behind the jacket, saying his wifes coat was referencing the media rather than traumatised children.但是,川普总统却在推特上说,这件夹克背后有含义的,衣服上的文字暗指的是媒体,而不是那些受过创伤的孩子。

  He tweeted: “I REALLY DONT CARE, DO U?” written on the back of Melanias jacket, refers to the Fake News Media. Melania has learned how dishonest they are, and she truly no longer cares!”他发推文,梅兰妮的外套后面印着“我真的一点都不在乎,你呢?”是对那些虚伪的媒体说的。现在梅兰妮算知道了,媒体是多么的不真实,她也用不着理会他们。”

  Some commentators were taking Melanias choice of attire as a politically calculated move.有些评论员称,梅兰妮的着装是精心打算后的政治动作。

  Many have praised Trump for seeming to diverge from Donald Trumps attitude on separating children from their families.也有许多人支持川普夫人在移民儿童骨肉分离上,和川普截然相反的表现。

  It is, however, unusual for Melania Trump to wear inexpensive clothes when on public business. At the G7 summit last year, she wore a floral coat worth $51,000. While arriving back from a trip last June, she was spotted carrying an overnight bag: a Hermès Birkin bag worth $13,500.不过梅兰妮穿一件平价的衣服出席公共活动,就这点来讲有点不寻常。去年在7国峰会上,她就穿了一件价值51000美金的花朵外套。六月份的回程的时候,拿了一个包,是爱马仕的Birkin价值13500美元。

  Despite the controversy it caused, when Melania returned to Andrews air force base later in the afternoon she was still wearing the jacket in front of reporters.尽管该外套引发争议,当天下午晚些时候的回程她还是穿着那件衣服。

