
发布日期:2018-07-10 14:24 本文摘要:2017年5月21日大学英语六级口语考试第九场的小组讨论的话题是:机器人能否控制世界。随着机器人在各行各业的运用,不少人担心机器人将会代替人类,控制世界。你怎么看呢?快和你的小伙伴交流一下观点吧! A: Hello. Iam glad to do the pair work with you.





A: Hello. I am glad to do the pair work with you. Robots have become prevalent in almost every walk of life. What do you think of that?

   B: That’s not bad. The robots can do the dangerous jobs people do not want to do. And robots won’t get bored if they do monotonous jobs continuously. Robots have liberated housewives from tedious housework. How amazing it is to have robots in the world.

   A: I cannot agree more. But there is a concern that robots will one day replace people to control the world. I am also worried about that. What’s your opinion?

   B: I do not agree with you about that. As far as I am concerned, robots are made by people and thus controlled by people. How can they replace people? They even cannot think.

   A: Perhaps my worry is redundant. But some people may lose their jobs because of the use of robots.

   B: Yes, maybe. But some jobs need creativity. It is only people can think and have creativity. Robots do not have creativity and consequently cannot do creative jobs. Therefore, robots will not transcend people and will not control the world.

   A: What you said is enlightening to me. And we wont worry about control of the robots.

   B: Yes. Robots will not control the world.2017年5月六级口语考试真题:机器人能否控制世界