
发布日期:2018-07-10 20:36 本文摘要:We have both taken on jobs that were purely pay-the-bills gigs at times when our lives demanded we do so. We have spent years working in places that were good enough, jobs that might allow us enough flexibility to write on the side, or whe

  We have both taken on jobs that were purely pay-the-bills gigs at times when our lives demanded we do so. We have spent years working in places that were good enough, jobs that might allow us enough flexibility to write on the side, or where writing was the job, just not the kind of writing wed be doing in a perfect world, or bringing the same skills wed honed in writing to other, more lucrative careers.我们都做过一些这样的工作:生活要求我们做这些纯粹的有偿工作。我们已经花了数年时间在还不错的地方工作,或者那些给予我们足够写作空间的工作,或者工作内容就是写作,并非那些我们在一个完美的世界里会写的东西,或把我们磨练写作相同的技能运用到其他更有利可图的事业。

  Early in our careers we both surveyed the writing landscape and opted for money or growth potential, with Hana working in corporate communications for a large consulting firm, then following the lure of the burgeoning Internet away from writing and toward tech, and Liz taking jobs at glossy fashion magazines, not her dream niche in publishing but a then probable route to an enviable résumé in the New York writers world.在我们的职业生涯早期,我们早已对写作范围进行了调查,并选择了金钱或增长潜力,与韩亚金融集团共同为一家大型咨询事务所共事。接着,在蓬勃发展的互联网的诱惑之下,日益远离写作、向科技前进,以及利兹在时尚杂志找到了一席之位,并非她梦想从事出版工作,而是日后一条可行路线,达成纽约作家的世界那份令人羡慕的简历。

  We knew that these early jobs would pay the bills (or get us to the next jobs, and those would pay the bills), even if they might not have been our dream jobs.我们知道,这些早期的工作可以支付账单(或者让我们找到下一份工作,这些工作可以支付账单),即使它们可能不是我们梦寐以求的工作。

  We prioritized money and stability and figured the passion part would work itself out. And, as we write these words, it has.我们把金钱和稳定性放在首位,并认为激情会自己发挥作用。而当我们写这些的时候,它确实是在发挥着作用。

  Heres what we know:这是我们所知道的:

   1. Figure out what stability and independence mean for you.1. 弄清楚稳定和独立对你的意义。

  Our friends fell into two groups when it came to their feelings about stability, independence, and money. Where do you fall? Do you see earning money as the path to a stable life, or are there other elements that feel more important than financial stability? Are you comfortable relying on someone else to pay the bills while you build a life for your family at home, or does the thought make you break out in hives? Are you okay with being supported for a short period of time, for example, while you pursue an advanced degree and your spouse works a corporate job, or is even that unacceptable to you?当我们的朋友谈到他们对稳定、独立和金钱的感受时,他们分成了两派的阵营。你选择哪一方?你认为赚钱是通向稳定生活的途径吗?还是有其他因素比财务稳定更重要?当你为家人建立生活时,你是否愿意依靠别人来支付账单,或者这种想法是否会让你害怕得出麻疹?你能否接受他人的短期支持?比如,当你攻读高级学位,而你的配偶在公司工作时,可以吗?

   2. Understanding how you feel about money is crucial because, unlike nearly everything else weve covered in this book, its not likely to change.2. 理解你对金钱的感觉是至关重要的,因为与我们在本书中提到的几乎所有东西不同,它不太可能改变。

  While the women we interviewed who relied on their spouses income sometimes needed to overcome some initial discomfort with spending money that didnt feel like theirs, they were also women who were able to step away from a paycheck. Some women can do this and others would rather be poked continuously by tiny needles.虽然我们采访的那些依靠配偶收入生活的女性,她们有时候需要克服花钱时的一些最初的不适,但她们也是能够节制花钱的。有些女性可以做到这一点,而另一些女性则宁愿被细小的针头不断地戳。

  The way you feel about money and its connection to stability and independence will be a driving force in your career, so identifying these feelings early on and articulating them will help you make decisions later.你对金钱的感觉以及它与稳定和独立的关系将是你职业生涯的驱动力,所以尽早发现这些感觉并明确它们有助于你以后去做决定。

  Women who take financial independence as a given, who behave as though this is the only and obvious way to live life, end up able to support themselves. So dont fear — if this is what you want more than anything else, youll achieve it. But not everyone wants or needs financial independence to feel secure and stable. Know whats important to you. Own your stability.那些把经济独立视为现实的女人,她们的表现似乎默认了这是唯一且显而易见的生活方式,她们最终却能养活自己。所以不要害怕——如果这是你最想要的东西,你会实现它的。但并不是每个人都希望或需要财务独立来获得安全感和稳定。知道什么对你来说是重要的。拥有属于你的稳定。

  Society tells us that women shouldnt think about money. Dont listen.社会告诉我们女人不应该考虑金钱。别听他们的。

  In college, men and women begin self-segregating into majors with very different economic outcomes. One study found that men monopolize majors that lead to high-paying tech and engineering jobs, like civil engineering, computer science, and mechanical engineering. Of the ten highest-paying majors, nine are populated primarily by men (at levels that are insane — mechanical engineering is 89% male), while women dominate six of the ten lowest-paying majors, including social work and anthropology.在大学里,男性和女性分别自动进入不同的专业,经济状况也大不相同。一项研究发现,男性垄断了那些能带来高薪技术和工程工作的专业,比如土木工程、计算机科学和机械工程。在收入最高的10个专业中,有9个主要由男性组成(在疯狂程度上——机械工程占89%男性),而在收入最低的10个专业中,女性占了6个,包括社会工作和人类学。

  The reasons behind this segregation are varied and complex, but the outcome is clear: Men are more likely than women to graduate from college with majors that will lead them to financial independence. Our friends who prioritized earning money did so starting in college. They considered which kinds of jobs would meld their skills with a paycheck large enough to support themselves and, down the road, a family. They did this even though no one told them to, motivated either by past experiences or a clear vision of what they wanted their lives to look like and how they would get there. They did this even though the social pressure against them could be great. They were often one of only a handful of women in the room, showing up in places where men told them they werent needed or questioned why they wanted to be there, working their way through male-dominated fields like finance, utilities, and technology.造成这种隔离的原因多种多样,也很复杂,但结果是显而易见的:男性比女性更有可能从大学毕业,既想找份心仪工作,又想赚钱?先认清这5个真相(上)主修的专业将使他们获得经济独立。我们那些把赚钱放在首位的朋友从大学开始就这么做了。他们考虑过哪种工作能把他们的技能和足够养活自己的薪水结合起来,将来还能组成一个家庭。他们这样做了,尽管没有人告诉他们这样做,他们的动机要么是过去的经历,要么是对自己希望自己的生活以及如何达到目标的清晰愿景。尽管社会给予他们的压力很大,他们还是这样做了。她们常常是房间里屈指可数的几位女性之一,她们出现在男性告诉她们不需要的地方,或者问她们为什么要去那里,她们在男性主导的领域工作,比如金融、公共事业和科技。

  By contrast, many of our friends who ended up opting out did so because their salaries didnt cover the cost of childcare. Economically it just didnt make sense for them to continue working, and many of them seemed surprised by this realization, possibly because they hadnt thought about the financial implications of their choices until it was too late. So even though you may not have been raised to do so, let this serve as a wake-up call: Think about money. Think about how much of it you want to earn compared to your partner, and realistically how you will go about doing that, given your skills and your interests. Think about how that money will pay for children, if you want them. Do not shut your eyes and hope it will all work out. Reclaim conversations about finances and long-term investments and raises. This is not mens work. Its your work.相比之下,我们的许多朋友最终选择了放弃,因为他们的工资没有支付照顾孩子的费用。从经济上讲,他们继续工作是没有意义的,他们中的许多人似乎对这一认识感到惊讶,可能是因为他们直到为时已晚才考虑到他们的选择所带来的经济影响。因此,即使你可能没有被要求这么做,让这成为一个警钟:想想钱。考虑一下与你的伴侣相比,你想要赚多少钱,考虑到你的技能和兴趣,现实地考虑一下你将如何去做。想想看,如果你想要孩子,钱是怎么花的。不要闭上眼睛,希望一切都会好起来。重新谈论财务、长期投资和加薪。这不是男人的工作。这是你的工作。
