2019年1月雅思口语Part1新题预测及范文示例:独处 alone

发布日期:2018-12-07 15:46 本文摘要:摘要:2019年1月雅思口语Part1新题预测及范文示例:独处 alone是一个较为特别的题目,对于不同人,这个题目可以说的内容可能会有很大的差距。 2019年1月雅思口语题库Part1预测为大家带来今天的预测题目:独处 alone。这个题目的素材对于有些人比较容易,对于

  摘要:2019年1月雅思口语Part1新题预测及范文示例:独处 alone是一个较为特别的题目,对于不同人,这个题目可以说的内容可能会有很大的差距。

   2019年1月雅思口语题库Part1预测为大家带来今天的预测题目:独处 alone。这个题目的素材对于有些人比较容易,对于有些人就比较困难,为了能够流利地回答考官的问题,我们还是需要积累一些材料。并且提前想好对于独处的看法和态度。




   独处 alone


   1.When was the last time you were alone?.

   Last Saturday, I was supposed to go out with one of my t friends, but she felt sick, so I just stayed at home and watched a film for a couple of hours. Then I cleaned my room coz it was untidy.



   2.What do you like to do when you are alone?

   Id spend time on my hobbies, in particular gardening:and cooking, or I just laze around the house. Sometimes Ill go to karaoke and practice singing all the songs I like. I can only do this alone coz Im not a good singer, I cant sing in front of a bunch of people. So I often go to karaoke alone.




   3.Do you wish to have more time alone?

   No, I like being with my friends and family. I usually go out with my friends for shopping at the weekends. And well chat in a cafe after we buy a bunch of products. We often get home verylate and it takes me most of Sunday to recuperate. But I never miss a home-cooked dinner at my mothers every Sunday.



   4.Is it important to have some time alone?

   Yeah, absolutely. Some people may need much timié alone, doing some thinking, about their lives or careers. As for me, Im not that kind ofperson, Imean, I do need some time alone, you know, spending time on my hobbies. But, I dont need much ime to be alone. I prefer to be with friends and family.




   以上就是2019年1月雅思口语Part1新题预测及范文示例:独处 alone的相关内容,更的雅思口语新题预测,请继续关注小站雅思频道。