
发布日期:2018-10-19 11:55 本文摘要:金秋的北京,来自各国的励步人,在此刻一起分享他们的生活,旅行,教学,文化,爱好...在这里,外教老师们畅所欲言,讲述自己的中国故事和成长历程。没错,这就是励步给全体外教搭建的一个展示自我、思想碰撞和经验分享的舞台FLEX. 什么是FLEX?What is FLEX?



  什么是FLEX?What is FLEX?

  FLEX (First Leap Experience Xchange)是励步TMC教学管理中心给励步英语全体外教开放的一个思想交流和经验分享的平台。


  FLEX的历史沿革Why we need FLEX?



  经过讨论所有与会者全票通过TMC National Senior Specialist Samantha提出的名字:

  First Leap Experience Xchange.(首字母)





  Moments of FLEX



  (励步英语总经理 Charlie)



  (Loving teacher +Loving content)*Intelligent Technology

  = First Leap Whole Learning Experience

  Charlie更是亲切地和外教们分享了自己女儿的学习经历,他相信,teachers and parents matter most.







  “FLEX is a very good chance for us to share our thoughts, share a story that inspires our wisdom, share a beautiful vision, sharing our experience, understanding and emotional experience .

  Nobody would say they don't wanna be the center of stage . Nobody would say they don't wanna be a popular storyteller, so what are we waiting for? Everybody counts!”Jennifer这样说。



  游学的经历让孩子们有一段充满奇遇又无限宝贵和美好的体验,让孩子在交流中感受两国文化,对世界有更全面的认知,成为更优秀的global citizen.

  Through numerous cases and examples, we are convinced that this program can build a bridge for our kids to see the real world in person, to feel the genuine impulse to embrace the world, to witness different cultures and see the world as a whole, so that their understanding of the world is integral,their mind is global, they can think globally, act globally and eventually the whole person is global. That's when a better world can be built, better lives can be achieved. Thusly, we welcome you to support our program.

  Zubair 老师

  Zubair 老师,是一位对工作充满热情的老师,他向大家分享了什么是Race,Race不仅是比赛,更是民族。来自各个国家的人,都值得被尊重。

  “Remember, it does not matter if the cat is black or white, what matters is it catches the mice.”

  Kenny 老师

  Kenny老师,如果用一个词来形容他就是open minded.在中国的工作生活,给了他非常不同于在美国的体验,随处可见热情的路人,办公室里温暖的同事以及不同的城市元素,都让他感到欣喜和兴奋。接受新事物,体验新事物,感恩新事物,就是他的态度。


  My talk focused on a question I have been thinking about since arriving to China: What is the definition of a global citizen? Through reflecting about this question, I've become to discover the importance of my passport, the priviledges I have back home, and how I can share these lessons and experiences with my network."

  Nicola 老师




  I spoke about 'Volunteering in the Bolivian Jungle'. I volunteered for an organization called CIWY, which helps to care for wild animals rescued from trafficking, from homes where they were kept as pets, from zoos and circuses, or affected by the destruction of their natural habitat. I spent 5 weeks living in the jungle and caring for baby monkeys and an ocelot. I hope that it made more people aware of the organization I worked for and encouraged people to get involved.


  作为母亲,外事负责人Winnie分享的是她的女儿嘟嘟(Judy)的英语教育问题, 从一开始女儿对英语的无感和不太配合,到遇见心仪老师正向引导后的改观,可见一个好老师对于孩子的影响力和感染力,这也是每一位家长喜闻乐见的事情。


  用音乐感染身边的人,用音乐给integrated sessions赋予新的生命。这就是我们的天才乐手 Danny Harris的能力, 本场连弹4首,从WC到Science,从Art到Reading,从作词到作曲,几乎无所不能!

  Ashley 老师



  Cultural Intelligence is the ability to function efficiently across cultures. The study of culture can help us understand each other and avoid miscommunication by recognizing the different ways in which people of other cultures communicate and are socialized in various values. Research in social psychology and anthropology can help us develop a better understanding of the world and how to efficiently interact in new environments. Compassion, research, and focused curiosity across cultures contributes to global harmony and peace.

  Natale 老师


  The most important thing to remember is that everyone at any time can go through a phase were it seems as if there is no way out, but there is always a way and it is okay not to be okay sometimes, whilst you figure your way out. You are allowed to stop take a second to cry, scream and shout but, after that you get up and you keep pushing. Life is a constant crisis, so live it the best way you can, it is yours after all.


  Charne 老师



  The SA schooling system has very poor discipline, where kids have more rights than teachers to the extent that teachers quit their jobs because they fear for their own safety. Currently statistics show that most South African teachers don’t stay in the education system for longer than two years. The most important thing to realize is that in First Leap we are privileged and get paid for the work we do , have an overflow of resources and have a rewarding job and the privilege to make a difference.

  Chris Watkins老师

  Chris Watkins老师 ,作为本次活动的主持人和颜值担当, 他幽默风趣,深受喜爱。官宣:什么是FLEX~励步外教大事纪!



  ‘My speech was about the importance of Story telling, about how when we interact with people on a daily basis, we are telling a story, we are sharing with them, a part of ourselves. It was about how If we can incorporate the same passion and conviction in our teaching then it would not only benefit us as teachers but benefit our children in making them care about what they are learning and make them want to learn more.’



  Alex Lee told a beautifully crafted story called "Alligator soup". The touching story focused on a young girl who finds herself in limbo after being attacked and killed by an alligator. Alex's depiction of limbo and the people she meets there was so vivid and descriptive, it captivated not only the audience's imagination, but also their heart as we followed this young lady into the world of the unknown.





  FLEX ,一场开拓眼界的交流盛宴!

  This golden autumn in Beijing, Firstleapers from all over the world shared their life , traveling, teaching , culture and fancies here. We're surprised by their thoughts and ideas, we're also proud of the wideness of their knowledge. We not only have a group of Firstleapers enjoying their life, but also have a group of Firstleapers loving teaching. FLEX, an eye-opening experience exchanges feast for you!

