
发布日期:2018-06-09 20:43 本文摘要:托福的历年考试中与环境有关的话题频率很高,大家在遇到与环境相关的话题资料可以整理下来。正值冬季,国内雾霾严重,小编为整理了关于雾霾的一些语句。 分析雾霾成因的材料文字可用于环保类、健康类、人类与自然关系类的作文。贴合现实、与时俱进,这才是高






  Research shows the burning of coal to provide central heating is one of the main reasons for the increase of particulate matter in the atmosphere which causes smog.


  Fossil fuels account for as high as about 90 percent of all energy sources in China, which is the highest in the world. Worse, coal accounts for 65 percent of Chinas total energy consumption while the share of natural gas is just 6 percent. In contrast, the percentage of coal and natural gas is about 32 and 24 in the US. Consider this: to produce the same amount of heat, coal lets off double the volume of emission than natural gas.


  相比之下,煤炭和天然气在美国的能源消耗中分别占到了32% 和24%。我们需要考虑这一事实:在产生相等热量的条件下,煤炭的污染物排放量两倍于天然气。
