
发布日期:2018-07-02 12:47 本文摘要:2017年12月四级大纲新增词汇(三) 81. contempt[kntempt] n.藐视,轻蔑,轻视 示例: I show contempt for people who treat children so cruelly. 我鄙视如此虐待孩子的人。 82. contend[kntend] v.①竞争,斗争 ②声称,主张 示例: Several teams are cont



81. contempt  [kəntempt] 




✎ 示例:


I show contempt for people who treat children so cruelly. 我鄙视如此虐待孩子的人。






82. contend  [kəntend]


v.①竞争,斗争 ②声称,主张  


✎ 示例:


Several teams are contending for the prize. 有几个队在争夺锦标。 






83. converse  [kənvɜːs] 




✎ 示例:


After a years studying at university,I feel able to converse with anyone about anything.在大学学习一年之后,我感到可以和任何人交谈任何事情。






84. cornerstone  [kɔːnəstəʊn]


n.①基础 ②基石,奠基石


✎ 示例:


The doctrine of surplus value is the cornerstone of Marxs economic theory. 剩余价值学说是马克思经济理论的基石。






85. cosmos [kɒzmɒs]




✎ 示例:


Our world is but a small part of the cosmos. 我们的世界仅仅是宇宙的一小部分而已。






86. counterpart [kaʊntəpɑːt]  




✎ 示例:


The British Queen is the counterpart of German President.英国的女王相当于德国的总统。






87. coupon  [kuːpɒn] 




✎ 示例:


The coupon entitles you to ten cents off your next purchase. 这张优惠券可以让你在下次购物时节省10分钱。






88. crab [kræb] 


n.①蟹,螃蟹 ②蟹肉


✎ 示例:


Thousands of crabs are washed up on the beaches during every storm. 每次暴风雨过后海滩上都会留下数不尽的螃蟹。






89. cracker  [krækə]


n.①爆竹 ②(AmE)一种薄脆饼干


✎ 示例:


Its a type of Chinese cracker, made from rice and shrimp. 这是中国式的饼干,用米与虾肉做的。






90. crocodile   [krɒkədaɪl]


n.①鳄鱼 ②成对纵列行进的人(尤指儿童)


✎ 示例:


They weep crocodile tears for the poor. 他们对穷人是假慈悲。






91. cyberspace  [saɪbəspeɪs] 




✎ 示例:


She travels in cyberspace by sending messages to friends around the world. 她利用网络空间给世界各地的朋友们发送信件。






92. deem  [diːm] 




✎ 示例:


Chinese and English were deemed essential. 汉语和英语被认为是必不可少的。






93. deficient  [dɪfɪʃnt] 


a.①缺乏的,不足的 ②有缺陷的


✎ 示例:


Desert is deficient in the water.沙漠里缺水。






94. dent  [dent] 




✎ 示例:


The commission had barely begun to make a dent in the problem.委员会还没有在这个问题上取得任何进展。 






95. deprive  [dɪpraɪv] 




✎ 示例:


Paralysis has deprived him of the use of his right arm.瘫痪使他不能使用右臂。






96. despatch  [dɪspætʃ] 


vt.①派遣 ②发送


✎ 示例:


A reporter was despatched to Naples to cover the riot. 一名记者被派往那不勒斯报道这场骚乱。






97. deteriorate  [dɪtɪəriəreɪt] 




✎ 示例:The weather conditions are deteriorating. 天气变得越来越糟






98. dew [djuː]




✎ 示例:


The dew gathered on the leaves. 露水在叶子上凝结。






99. diabetes  [ˌdaɪəbiːtiːz]




✎ 示例:


Blindness is a common complication of diabetes. 失明是糖尿病常见的并发症。






100. digit  [dɪdʒɪt]


n.①手指 ②(0至9的任何一个)数字


✎ 示例:


Her telephone number differs from mine by one digit. 她的电话号码和我的只差一个数字。