
发布日期:2021-10-26 22:11 本文摘要:我们经常会在考试之前背一些模板来应对作文部分,这可能已经成为习惯了。但是模板背起来真的轻松吗?如果大家能够有效地整理出常见句型,记住一些必备词汇,就可以在写作上得心应手。对英语基础不好的同学来说,这也是一个简单有效的提分捷径。想要雅思作文得



  # 开头句型


  1. It goes without saying that…




  2. When asked about…, most people say… But many other people regard…as… I personally think…


  当被问及对……有什么看法时,大多数人认为……但是,还有很多人认为……我个人认 为……


  3. There has been undesirable trend in recent years towards… A recent survey showed that…percent of respondents ranked…as their top priority, compared to…a few years ago. Why do people fail to realize that…?


  近年来出现了对社会有害的……倾向。最近的一项调查表明,……的调查对象把……作 为他们的首选,相比之下,就在几年前,只有……的人这样想。为什么人们没能意识到…… 不一定带来幸福呢?


  4. It is commonly believed that the rise in…is the inevitable result of economic development。




  5. An increasing number of people are joining… In reaction to the phenomenon, some say… But do they realize that…can also lead to…


  越来越多的人……进入了……针对这一现象,一些人认为……但是,他们有没有意识 到……也能导致……


  # 提出观点的句子


  1.I cannot agree more with the idea…




  2.View this issue from the angle of the whole.




  3. Putting them in an order according to their importance, ...can be very subjective and relative. 然而,根据他们的重要性排序,…可能是非重要的和主观的。


  4. Despite the fact that lots of people believe that…, I think from an opposite angle.




  5. But I believe it’s an exaggeration to say…Or even it does, that only happents to those…。




  6.When it comes to…,some people think that… Others argue that the opposite is true. There is probably some truth to both arguments, but…


  涉及…这一问题,有的人认为应该……另一些人持相反意见。也许双方的观点都有一 定道理,但是……


  7.It’s hard to overstate the significance of…




  8.As per my perspective, ……is a wiser choice for people with…




  9.Given the situation that I have to make a choice between…and…, I would go for the latter one without hesitation.




  # 结尾总结句


  1.Therefore, I would like to vote for…as a preferable choice.




  2.Taking all mentioned above, I recommend…。




  3.To put in a nutshell, it is no doubt an undisputable decision to…, with all the mentioned advantages above.




  4.All in all, I strongly believe…




  5.To sum up, for……, I prefer…






  # 常用词汇


  上升名词类: increase, rise, growth, jump, surge


  下降名词类:decrease, decline, fall, reduction, drop


  最高点: reach the peak/top/highest point,Increase to the peak/top/highest point(所有上升类的动词都可以替换掉increase)


  最低点: reach the bottom/lowest point


  保持平稳动词:remained stable, remained static, remained steady, stayed constant, levelled out, did not changed, maintained the same level


  占的最多: occupy/make up/take up/account for the largest proportion/number/percentage of …


  占的最少: occupy/make up/take up/account for the smallest proportion/number/percentage of…


  修饰名词的形容词: slight, slow, gradual, steady, rapid, moderate, significant, sharp, dramatic, drastic


  用作程度性比较的副词:overwhelmingly, substantially, significantly, considerably. moderately, markedly. hardly, barely, slightly, fractionally, Marginally.


  用作顺序的词汇: subsequently, respectively, consecutively, sequentially,


  previous, finally, former, latter.


  表示对比的词汇:by contrast, in contrast to(with), on the contrary, whereas, however, nevertheless, although, on the other hand, conversely, different from, unlike, but, yet, the opposite of

