
发布日期:2019-12-10 10:15 本文摘要:《秘密花园》何以成为儿童文学作品经典 什么是经典是一个永恒的话题。The Secret Garden 既然被封为经典儿童文学,那么是谁给予了它这一封号?它又为何能历经百年而不衰?有人说,所谓经典经久不衰既是文化建构的产物也是读者的个人体验: that enduring app


  “什么是经典”是一个永恒的话题。The Secret Garden 既然被封为经典儿童文学,那么是谁给予了它这一封号?它又为何能历经百年而不衰?有人说,所谓经典经久不衰既是文化建构的产物也是读者的个人体验: that enduring appeal may be as much of a cultural construction as a matter of individual engagement (p.32). Is this barometer an accurate one, and who is measuring? It is without a doubt that classic literature holds value, as they are a window into our cultures scholarly history, but it is at the same time the individual readers reception to the literature that produces its value.



  就此,拿The Secret Garden来说,它何已成为经典:


  在很多喜爱《秘密花园》的读者看来, The Secret Garden 之所以能成为为世人推崇的经典文学作品,是因为其具有相当的普适性。一百年后的今天,当我们熟练使用secret garden “秘密花园” 这个词组的时候,它已经成了一个跨越国界和语言、为人广泛熟知和使用的cultural reference,这是所谓“经典”创造出的最大财富之一。在后世后代无数新作品问世之后,经典文学还能够保留自己的一席之地。The list of books continue to shift and change as new literature is introduced into popular culture, but some books seem to having more staying power than others.



  I would identify “classics” as somehow c我是一个十岁孩子的家长,天写这个文章有一个目的,我本来是一个很少写这样文章的人,但是这次不一样ontaining patterns – structures, images, metaphors, motifs that readers can commonly identify and connect to certain notion and implications. These patterns either establish/carry universal implications or contradict the old constructs. 换句话说,经典作品总有包含“原型构造”的魅力。没有任何一部文学作品仅仅是因为写的漂亮就流传百世。它必须含有某种普遍的原型在其中。这个原型不仅仅指历史文化典故,还泛指一切运用与艺术作品的构造手法。

  比如说,一百多年来,无数读者都被秘密花园被打开的瞬间那满眼繁花似锦的景象所迷醉。单凭那一个的艺术匠心与构造手法,The Secret Garden就足以称为经典。
