
发布日期:2019-05-21 17:16 本文摘要:There have been some great baby name runs in American history. Emma is on one of them.美国的历史上有很多不错的宝宝名字,艾玛就是其中的一个。 For five consecutive years, Emma has been the most popular name for girls in the United States, be

  There have been some great baby name runs in American history. Emma is on one of them.美国的历史上有很多不错的宝宝名字,艾玛就是其中的一个。


  For five consecutive years, Emma has been the most popular name for girls in the United States, beating out number-two name Olivia in each of those years. Last year was also the 15th in a row that Emma has been in the top 3.艾玛已经连续5年打败第二名奥莉薇亚成为美国最受欢迎的女娃名字。去年也是艾玛连续第15次跻身前3名。





  Only 10 names have ever topped that list of girls’ names since 1909, the earliest year for which US Social Security Administration has data. The last time a name dominated the rankings like Emma was Emily’s incredibly streak from 1996 to 2007.根据美国社保局的数据,从1909年算起,只有10个女孩名得到过头魁。像艾玛这个名字这么受欢迎的还有艾米莉,从1996年到2007年都是取女孩名最多的。


  Most popular name for baby girls in the US美国最受欢迎的女孩名字


  1909-1946        Mary玛丽


  1947-1952        Linda琳达


  1953-1961        Mary玛丽


  1962-1969        Lisa丽莎


  1970-1984        Jennifer詹妮弗


  1985-1989        Jessica杰西卡


  1991-1992        Ashley阿什莉


  1993-1995        Jessica杰西卡


  1996-2007        Emily艾米莉


  2008                 Emma艾玛


  2009-2010        Isabella伊莎贝拉


  2011-2013        Sophia索菲亚


  2014-2018        Emma艾玛


  So what accounts for Emma’s dominance? “The key to Emma’s success is that it’s the meeting point of two trends,” says Laura Wattenberg, a preeminent US naming expert who runs the website Namerology.为什么艾玛这个名字能够占主导?“艾玛成功的关键在于它正好两种趋势的汇合点,”美国命名专家Laura Wattenberg如是说,同时她还是姓名占卜网站(Namerology)的运营人。


  Wattenberg explained to Quartz that in the early 2000s, names that sounded classic and had alternating consonants and vowels, like Sophia and Amelia, were all the rage (classic names with two consonants in a row, like Mildred and Florence, never came back).Wattenberg在接受石英网的采访时解释说,在21世纪的早些时候,风靡一时的是那些听起来很经典、有交替的辅音和元音的名字,比如索菲亚和阿米莉亚(两个辅音连在一起的经典名字,如米尔德里德和佛罗伦萨,就没有在流行)。


  Today, the trend is toward short names with multiple vowels, like Ella and Lila, that feel light on the ear. Since Emma fits both these trends, it has been the 21st century champ.现在流行的趋势是由好几个元音,美国的Emma持续扎堆,连续5年成为新生女孩名No.1比如艾拉和里拉,听起来比较轻。艾玛这个名字都符合流行的趋势,所以成为了21世纪的宠儿。



