
发布日期:2019-05-22 19:08 本文摘要:一词日历:这个心理学花招让美国年轻人戒掉垃圾食品2019.05.22 周三 Wednesday rebel [rbl] v. 反叛;反抗;造反 图片来源:视觉中国 Howdo we prevent young people from eating too much junk food and exposing themselves to the associated health risk



  周三 Wednesday


  rebel [rɪbɛl] 


  v. 反叛;反抗;造反




  How do we prevent young people from eating too much junk food and exposing themselves to the associated health risks? A simple but effective psychological strategy looks to be the key, according to new research.我们如何阻止年轻人食用过量垃圾食品、使他们免于接触到相关的健康风险呢?一项新研究指出,一个简单却有效的心理策略有望成为关键。


  The genius is its all about tapping into teens natural tendency to rebel: by pointing out how well-funded marketing campaigns are designed to get all of us hooked on junk foods, researchers were able to get the young people to actually shift their eating choices.这个特殊方法就是利用青少年叛逆的天性:研究人员向青少年指明,那些营销活动投入大量资金就是为了让我们所有人都迷上垃圾食品;这样一来,研究人员们得以让年轻人真正地改变他们的饮食选择。


  The technique works better than simply giving teens information on healthy eating, the study shows, leveraging their innate resistance to being tricked or coerced into something – a resistance that can make a real difference in terms of diet.这项研究表明,比起为青少年提供健康饮食的信息,这个方法更有效。它充分利用青少年对于被欺骗或被迫接受某项事物的内在抵触,而这种抗拒确实能影响他们的饮食选择。


  One of the most exciting things is that we got kids to have a more negative immediate gut reaction to junk food and junk food marketing, and a more positive immediate gut reaction to healthy foods, says behavioural scientist Christopher J. Bryan from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.“其中最令人兴奋的一点就是我们使孩子们对垃圾食品和垃圾食品营销的直接反应变得更加抵触,而且使他们更加接受健康食品,”芝加哥大学布斯商学院行为学家克里斯托弗·J·布莱恩说道。


  Food marketing is deliberately designed to create positive emotional associations with junk food, to connect it with feelings of happiness and fun, says Bryan. What weve done is turn that around on the food marketers by exposing this manipulation to teenagers, triggering their natural strong aversion to being controlled by adults.“食品营销的目的就是故意营造出与垃圾食品之间的正向情感交流,把它与幸福快乐的感受联系在一起,”布莱恩说,“我们要做的就是把矛头指向食品营销者,揭露他们操控青少年,激发他们对被成年人操控的天生的强烈抗拒。”


  If we could make more kids aware of that, it might make a real difference.“如果我们能让更多孩子意识到这些,或许确实会起到重要作用。”






  rebel [rɪbɛl] 


  v. 反叛;反抗;造反




  常见用法:to rebel against sb./sth.


  Children always rebel against their parents and teachers.孩子总是同父母和老师对着干。

