
发布日期:2019-07-15 12:59 本文摘要:据长沙励步英语小编了解最新发现:其实兴趣是孩子的内驱力,引发孩子浓厚的情感是英语学习的关键。参加英语社团的孩子,有一部分孩子本身就对英语充满了兴趣,但是也有一部分孩子是在父母的要求下参加的。那么今天小编要分享的是小学英语小故事,这样学英语




  Little boy and scorpion son

  There is a child in front of city wall to catch the grasshopper, and in a short while caught the lots of.Suddenly see a scorpion son, he to think is also grasshopper,

  Then two go to catch him.The scorpion son raises his poison to stab, say:" come, if you really dare to do like this, connect your grasshopper that catch to also would entirely lose."

  This story warns people, and want to distinguish the pure good man with the bad person, and distinct to treat them.



  Rabbit and Wolf

  A little rabbit is picking mushrooms(蘑菇) in a forest. A wolf is coming. He is very hungry. “Oh, a little rabbit! This is my favourite food!”The rabbit sees the wolf, but she is not afraid. She pretends(假装) to be poisoned(中毒) by the mushrooms. The wolf thinks, “If I eat her, I will be poisoned, too.” So he goes away.Then the rabbit is very happy. She goes on picking the mushrooms.



  The Two Bags

  Every man carries Two Bags about with him,one in front and one behind and both are packed full of faults. The Bag in front contains his neighbours’ faults the one behind his own. Hence it is that men do not see their own faults but never fail to see those of others.




  A fox's tail was caught in a trap. When he was trying to release himself he lost his whole tail except the stump.

  At first he was ashamed to see the other foxes because he had no tail but he was determined to face his misfortune. He called all the foxes to a meeting.

  When they had gotten together the fox said that they should all do away with their tails.

  He said that their tails were very inconvenient when they met with their enemies. He did not talk about any advantages of the tail. "You are right" said one of the older foxes "but I don’t think you would advise us to do away with our tails if you hadn't lost it yourself first."




  Mrs Brown went to visit one of her friend and carried a small box with holes punched in the top.

  " What's in your box?" asked the friend.

  "A cat" answered Mrs Brown. "You see I've been dreaming about mice at night and I'm so scared! This cat is to catch them."

  "But the mice are only imaginary" said the friend.

  "So is the cat" whispered Mrs Brown.

  布朗夫人去拜访一位朋友她拿着一个顶部扎满了小眼儿的盒子. “盒子里装的是什么 ?”朋友问道. “一只小猫” 布朗夫人回答说“你知道我晚上睡觉总梦见老鼠我非常害怕.这只猫可以抓住那些老鼠.” “可老鼠都是假想的呀.”朋友说. “小猫也是假想的.” 布朗夫人小声说道.


  Canaries hanging in window cages often sing at night when birds are asleep. One night, the bat came and flew over to ask her why she was silent during the day and singing at night. The Canary answered, "Last year when I was singing in the daytime, the bird catcher heard my song and caught me. From then on, I will never sing in the daytime. The bat said, "It's no use knowing caution now. If only you knew it before you became a prisoner." Then he flew away.



