
发布日期:2019-07-10 18:28 本文摘要:[不管选择哪家英语培训机构,都要先去领取试听课程,让孩子体验一下,看看哪家的老师教学方法更适合自己,再来选择;在这里也分享下试听地址给大家一下: 2018年四年级英语 题。英语作为世界第一大语言,英语课程的学习,越来越主要。下面是小编为大家搜集收



   2018年四年级英语 题。英语作为世界第一大语言,英语课程的学习,越来越主要。下面是小编为大家搜集收拾出来的有关于2018年四年级英语 题,同时来做练习吧。



   2018年四年级英语 题

   一、 听录音,标序号。



   二、 听音,揣测与图片内容吻合的划√,不吻合 画×

   1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


   1. A. It’s on the first floor. B. It’s so big.

   2. A. Forty-five B. I can see twenty-five.

   3. A. It’s five clock B. It’s cloudy.

   4. A. Yes, you can. B. No, he can’t.

   5.A. It’s big. B. It’s cold.



   1. A first B second C forty

   2. A class B lunch C dinner

   3. A cold B warm C art

   4. A music B P.E. C library

   5. A breakfast B playground C art room

   二、 按要求把右栏前的序号填在左栏前的括号内

   1.long a. it

   2.my b. potatoes

   3 . sheep c. that

   4. hot d. sheep

   5.is e. your

   6.this f. are

   7. potato g. short

   8. they h. cold


   1. Look at those boots. How much ____ they ?

   A. is B. are

   2. This is my father. He looks very_______

   A. long B. strong

   3. Can I wear my shirt? Yes, you _______.

   A. can B. can’t

   4. It’s snowy in Harbin. It is very_____, too.

   A. cold B. hot

   5. What’s the weather like _______ Beijing?

   A. on B. in

   6. ____shoes are they? They are my brother’s.

   A. Whose B. Where

   7. How many ______are there in your family?

   A. students B. Pen

   8. It is five o’clock. It’s time ____go home.

   A. for B. to

   9. They’re my uncles. They’re _____.

   A. pears B. doctors

   10. What are ______? They are cucumbers.

   A. this B. these



   1. Are they your ducks?

   2. What is the weather like today ?

   3. What time is it now? .

   4. How many horses are there?

   5. Where is the teacher’s office?

   6. What are these ?


   A. It’s on the first floor. B. No , they aren’t .

   C. It’s cloudy and cool D. They are hens .

   E. It’s three o’clock. F. There are four.


   1、clour , it , is, What


   2、today , warm , is , It


   3、for , It , time , math , is , class

   _____________________________ .

   4、this, Is , T-shirt , your,


   5、it , much , is , How


   6.How , horses are , there, many

   _________________________________ ?


   26degrees!That’s cold!

   Hi,Chenjie!This is Mark.

   It’s 26 degrees.

   What’s the weather like in USA?

   It’s rainy.How about Beijing?


   No, it isn’t, it’s warm.


   My name is John. I’m 12. I like sports very much. I get up at 7:00 today. Oh, it’s time for breakfast. I wear a yellow T-shirt with the blue shorts. At 7:50, I go to school with Mike. We are classmates. Our classroom is on the first floor. It’s big and nice. There are two blackboards, four fans, six lights and many desks and chairs in it. We love our school very much.

   1.John likes math very much.

   2.John gets up at 7:50.

   3.John wears a yellow T-shirt with the blue shorts.

   4.The art room is on the first floor.

   5.There are six lights in John’s classroom.

   参考 :

   一、 听录音,标序号。1.It’s time for English!2.It’s cloudy !3.What’s the weather like ?It’s windy.4.It’s hot today!5.It’s time for P.E. Class.Let’s play football.6.It’s 7:00pm.It’s time for dinner.7.Is it sunny?No,it’s rainy.

   二、听音,揣测与图片内容吻合的划√,不吻合 画×1.Go to the library read some books.2.Time for breakfast,drink some milk.3.It’s 9:00p.m..It’s time to go to bed!4.Is it cloudy?No it isn’t.It’s sunny.5.Go to the playground play football.8.It’s time for music!9.It’s cold outside.

   三、听录音,抉择准确的答语1. Where is the art room?2. How many students are there in your class?3. What time is it?4. Can I have some soup?5.What’s the weather like today?


   一、CACCA二、gedhfcba三、1-5BBAAB 6-10AABBB四、BCEFAD五、1.What clour is it?2.It is warm today.3.It is time for math class4.This is your T-shirt.5. How much is it?6.How many horses are there?六、6153827七、FFTFT

   2018年四年级英语 题。小学四年级是一个很关键的时期,在这个时候我们要栽培孩子的英语学习实力,这样孩子才智早的学好英语,学习英语要为孩子抉择一个好的辅导机构,下面由小编给我们讲述小学四年级英语辅导,巴望恩能够够救助大家。



   有关调查表露,97.9%的北京网友觉得本市小升初问题繁重。北京孩子插手奥数班 培训的均匀周期为3.2年,每个礼拜用于占坑班日期为5小时^fen^家长在小升初 择校准备阶段,平凡必要为孩子消费8.7万。

   21世纪教导斟酌院近日宣告调研报告,剖析北京小升初择校热现象,觉得隐 形、变相的 压倒了免试入学,以权择校、以钱择校、以优择校成为宣告的机密 .

   北京市今年宣告的小升初政策再次着重免试、就近入学.可是,问题还 是存在。蒙受诟病的小升初渠道有占坑班--指官办重点 自办或与社会 机构合办、面向小学生的学科培训机构,可从中选拔优良学生升入本校初中^fen^共建 生--指国度机关、大型企事业单位与重点 穿越协作共建,合意本部门职 工子女纳福优质教导资源的需求,以及依靠各种关系插队的条子生.

   以上即使小编为大家带来的2018年四年级英语 题整套内容。信任大家大家都已经做过以上试题了,巴望我们在进行英语学习的时候能够多下功夫,多的把握英语单词和知识,这样未来学习的压力就小了。


